by Lindsey Smith
Just a decade ago, no one would have imagined the importance of social media in today’s marketing strategies. It would have seemed amateurish for a corporation to have a social media platform, such as Twitter or Facebook, officially representing their business. However, consumers today not only appreciate a company’s social media presence, they expect it — especially for e-commerce firms.
The first place a disgruntled consumer will go is often the internet. Tweeting, for example, allows them to vent their aggravation and warn others about poor corporate responsibility, shoddy products, and other pitfalls. E-commerce companies and other businesses must monitor online activity carefully at all times by using hashtags and web searches around the clock.
Handling consumer issues in public via open social media platforms, viewable by anyone and everyone, shows an honesty and transparency that only the internet can provide. Many companies have turned a potential publicity disaster into a positive message via the social media platform. Some even seek out new customers by scouring the internet for angry posts to use lucratively.
Social media platforms allow faceless corporations to become real people online. While a company website is expected to be professional and static, social media allows businesses to post ever-changing lively and humorous content that wins both the hearts and minds of their customers.
When a funny or clever post on social media goes viral, literally millions of people may see your message. They don’t care if the source is a company or an individual, so long as it’s an interesting message they want to share. Also, it’s easy to promote your brand and display corporate responsibility at the same time by offering donations for every Facebook repost or retweet.
Social media is more than a diversion for bored office workers — it’s a direct representation of your company that every customer can embrace. Modern marketing requires a social media presence. The professionals at Exults can help you determine the perfect strategy for your e-commerce business.