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Sponsored Search Internship Opportunity

Interested in Sponsored Search?

Sponsored Search (or Pay-Per-Click) advertising is the process of placing ads on search engine results pages or on relevant websites across the display network. This type of advertising works in an auction format in which the number 1 ad position goes to the highest bidder. It’s detail oriented, number-intensive, and requires an understanding of user behavior and language.

Developing and cultivating high performing Sponsored Search campaigns involves several stages including research, planning, and budget management. To build a successful campaign, you’ll need a firm understanding of the client’s primary goal, strong keywords, compelling ad copy, and a streamlined bidding strategy that will maximize the budget.

Lead by Chad Stannard, the Sponsored Networks team uses an arsenal of tools developed in close partnership with our Programming team that help us closely monitor campaigns, track performance, and quickly adapt to any market conditions. An internship on the Sponsored Search team provides you with the unique opportunity to learn about the vastly different yet symbiotic worlds of digital analytics, search intent interpretation, code implementation and troubleshooting, and conversion rate optimization.


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