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  • With Google’s latest addition, officially called “Purchases on Google,” consumers will find it easier to buy products directly from mobile searches. Naturally, this is a game-changer for eCommerce, and marketers are rejoicing.

    Buy Button Beta Requests

    Purchases on Google is still in its beta stage, but the program is now open to U.S. merchants wanting to request access. Retailers can gain access via the Google Merchant Center under the Merchant Center Programs section. The pilot program was originally announced in 2015, and with the beta program already open to merchants, it’s safe to assume the “buy button” features is well on its way.

    Google has remained quiet about the program, mainly because it’s faced challenges. Impression volume for the ads are as low as 20 to 30 percent, and the company needed to expand its retail categories. As it stands, customers will be opted in by default and will receive retail marketing and promotions.

    How the Program Works

    Purchases on Google offers merchants the option to display a “Buy on Google” button in product ads. Customers will see it at the top and won’t have to take any additional steps when they want to make a purchase.

    In the closed beta, the button is only available on Android devices. Also, mobile users with Google Wallet can take a shortcut to make a purchase from a Google-hosted landing page. Essentially, Google is adding its own shopping cart, so you can imagine how much competition this will offer eCommerce sites like Amazon in the future.

    Take advantage of the Purchases on Google early while you still can. Contact Exults at 866-999-4736 to see how a full-service digital marketing agency can hook you up with the most innovative marketing solutions.

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