by Joy Thompson
Once you’ve found your target audience, you need to make sure your company’s ads are being seen by them. Seems simple, right? Not always. Using Google AdWords is like a science, and using trial and error to experiment with all the options it has to offer, you can design the read more
by Lindsey Smith
PPC campaigns completely changed the landscape of internet marketing, but it’s a tedious process to manage alone because it needs to be monitored so often. Automation is a useful tool for running a PPC campaign, but the effects aren’t always positive. Specialized Tools Produce Results Most companies use automation just read more
by Joy Thompson
Our Sponsored Networks Specialist, Mike, is celebrating his 3rd year with Exults! To commemorate this great achievement, we asked around the office to see what everyone likes about Mike and maybe a few fun facts: His long arms. -Danielle This was a fan favorite, but Danielle beat Nick to the read more