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  • The Achievables

    Oriole Elementary School students recently enjoyed a high-energy pep rally by The Achievables Crew that brought character education lessons to life.

    Prior to the event, the Lauderdale Lakes school cafeteria and hallways were festooned with the images of Peer Pressure Peter, Healthy Hanna, Respectful Roxy and other characters. Then the characters came on stage, weaving their lessons between hip-hop beats, singing, clapping along and dancing.

    The lessons were simple: respect yourself and others, don’t be a bully, stand up to peer pressure, eat right and stay healthy. Teachers were given workbooks, folders, log-in sheets, CD-ROMs, stickers, awards and other materials that were provided for free to help the students in follow-up lessons and exercises that will continue throughout the school year.

    Lori Scott is president and founder of The Achievables Inc., the firm that conceived the program.

    “As an athletic coach for many years, I saw a lack of confidence, self-esteem and other character qualities children need both on and off the field, and I realized teachers also need help in teaching character education and core values,” said Scott, of Fort Lauderdale. “My goal was to help instill those values in elementary students, rather than attempt to change them in the teen years or beyond.”

    Scott said she decided to launch the program at Oriole Elementary because many students there qualify for discounted and free school lunches and programs to benefit the disadvantaged.

    “We did research into schools and communities that are lacking in updated resources and decided to offer our program there first,” she said.

    Principal Ryan Reardon said the event was well received by students.

    “It’s nice to see the students get excited about programs in character education — in addition to academic programs — that encompass the total student,” he said. “It’s important to be respectful, but to see this person on stage representing that trait, the lesson really comes to life.”

    Exults Internet Marketing sponsored and contributed to the program.

    “I see the importance of supporting education and making sure that people don’t fall behind,” said Zach Hoffman, the firm’s founder and CEO. “… This program will keep them encouraged, promote ethics and core values and how you lead yourself in life, and also fills the need for instilling a solid foundation of values, morals and ethics.”

    Scott said she worked with teachers and curriculum specialists in designing the program, which she wants to take nationwide.

    “I want to create the superheroes of today, and if these students can see a part of themselves in these characters, they’ll learn that it’s cool to be kind, respectful to yourself and others, healthy and true to yourself,” she said.


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