by Joy Thompson
Your physical store provides a variety of opportunities to market products in a number of ways. Keeping up to date with the latest trends ensures that you are able to grab the attention of a casual walk-in with the hopes of making a sale. Here are some marketing trends to read more
by Joy Thompson
Right now, in your pocket, you have access to at least 20 million of songs through phone streaming music apps like Spotify, Pandora, and YouTube Music. Streaming music services like Spotify, Tidal, Google Play, and Apple Music have permanently altered the way we listen, purchase, and collect music. We’re all read more
by Joy Thompson
Digital marketing is constantly changing. As I type this sentence, Google is tweaking their algorithm, Mark Zuckerburg is developing a new feature that looks suspiciously similar to Snapchat, and Twitter’s stock keeps plummeting. It takes a lot of effort to stay on top of the latest marketing stories. Luckily for read more
by Joy Thompson
A report has found that Google’s Product Listing Ads (PLAs) has provided retailers with double their revenue year over year in Q2. Andre Golsorkhi, CEO of Sidecar says, “More retailers are making Google PLAs a cornerstone of their marketing mix,” He goes on to say: “Google has long understood the efficacy read more
by Zach Hoffman
In a recent article published by the Wall Street Journal, Green Street Advisors, a real-estate research firm, has estimated that department stores will need to close hundreds of locations if they plan on regaining the productivity they had a just a short decade ago. A senior Green Street analyst has read more
by Joy Thompson
This past weekend, hundreds of millions of Americans tuned in to watch the most anticipated game of the year – the Super Bowl. While many of us were genuinely interested in the game, there were definitely many viewers that were solely in it to watch the TV commercials and halftime read more
by Danielle Enzinna
Internet marketing is an industry that moves quickly and for every advancement in technology, there comes with it a way to monetize it. This charge onto the battlefield of innovation is what makes being on the front lines of internet marketing so intriguing. Learning and eventually mastering each new medium, read more
by Lindsey Smith
If dealing with huge crowds, fighting for parking and waiting hours to purchase a product does not sound appealing, Black Friday shopping is probably not for you – until now. Over the past couple of years, shoppers have been able to purchase the same if not better deals online during read more
by Danielle Enzinna
In honor of Back to the Future day, we’ve compiled our favorite tools to help us see past, present, and future performance of our online marketing initiatives. Way Back Machine aka Internet Archive This tool is not only useful in a practical sense, but also very nostalgic. With the Way Back read more
by Lindsey Smith
Who isn’t guilty of misplacing their cell phone (or even losing it on occasion)? Very similar to the iPhone’s feature “Find My iPhone”, Google has now made it possible for Android users to have the capability to find their missing phones as well. Android users who have downloaded the most read more